jake's mom


Lamont Win?

For those who have been closely watching the Connecticut primary, I predict a Lamont win over incumbant Joe Lieberman. J has been awake for like 40 hours straight (not counting the 3 hours she was just sleeping on the couch) and is now in bed, so I'm going to join her (after taking out the garbage)...so I will no longer be able to crash DailyKos with my repeated refreshes, or watch by city as the results pour in. However, 625 of the 748 precincts are reporting and Lamont has 51.88% of the vote (120,616 vs Lieberman's 111,887). The only hope for Lieberman is to win Hartford's 23 precints (of which none are reporting)...however it is worth noting that West Hartford's 20 precincts went narrowly for Lamont and East Hartford's 7 precincts went in favor of Lieberman...but at this point, I just don't think Lieberman can get a large enough percent of the few remaining votes to do it. Watch me be wrong (it'd be like 2004 all over again), but I think progressive, people-powered politics (I *heart* alliteration) is going to win this one. Of course that would leave the real battle for November when Joe will run as an independent (whore).

Maybe his website will be working by then:
The Web site, http://www.joe2006.com, has been unavailable since Monday afternoon. Lieberman campaign manager Sean Smith suggested that the campaign of the senator's primary opponent, Ned Lamont, or his supporters were responsible for the disruption.

BTW, most people doubt the Lamont campaign or supports had anything to do with the crash.

Last update (9:42 Central):
651 of 748 precincts reporting (0% of Hartford)
N. Lamont 124,940 51.48%
J. Lieberman 116,060 48.16%

OK Really last update (10:04 Central):
713 of 748 precincts reporting (including all of Hartford, which went for Lamont)
N. Lamont 138,836 51.92%
J. Lieberman 128,566 48.08%
posted by C at 9:27 PM | Permalink

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