Police are investigating the death of a man who collapsed after he was head-butted by an armless man in a fight over a woman. ... Police say Redfern, who was born with no right arm and only a short stump for his left arm, kicked Teer and Teer hit Redfern during the fight, which was due to long-standing bad blood over a woman who once dated Teer and now dates Redfern. ... Known by the nickname "Rusty," Redfern made a name for himself in the late 1980s for pen and ink drawings he does using his foot. ... He was one of six Georgians selected to represent the state at the 1989 International Arts Festival in Washington, D.C., and was commissioned by Georgia's then-Secretary of State Max Cleland for a series of illustrations depicting the state capitol.
[Redfern also] started Redfern Originals, Inc. in 1987, producing Christmas cards, stationery and limited-edition prints.
1) It was a crime of passion, not pre-meditated. 2) He is disabled. 3) He is famous. That means 1.5 years in prison and 4 on parole, and his best selling autobiography will be out in 2010, "Death in Arms."